co auth

Account related operations.


  -h, --help   help for auth

co auth enter-reset-password

Enter your password and reset hash to update your password

co auth enter-reset-password [flags]


  -e, --email string         user email
      --hash string          password reset hash that was sent to your email
  -h, --help                 help for enter-reset-password
  -p, --newPassword string   new password to use

co auth get-org-name

Show your organization name

co auth get-org-name [flags]


  -h, --help   help for get-org-name

co auth invite

Invite related operations.


  -h, --help   help for invite

co auth invite create-invite-link

Create an invite link.

co auth invite create-invite-link [flags]


  -e, --expiry string         expiry of the invite, one of NEVER|THIRTY_MINUTES|ONE_HOUR|SIX_HOURS|TWELVE_HOURS|ONE_DAY (default "ONE_HOUR")
  -h, --help                  help for create-invite-link
  -m, --max-users int         maximum number of users that can use this invite (default 1)
  -o, --organization string   organization name
  -r, --role string           role to invite, one of ORG_ADMIN|USER (default "USER")

co auth invite invite-user

Invite one user.

co auth invite invite-user [flags]


  -e, --email string          user email
      --expiry string         expiry of the invite, one of NEVER|THIRTY_MINUTES|ONE_HOUR|SIX_HOURS|TWELVE_HOURS|ONE_DAY (default "ONE_HOUR")
  -h, --help                  help for invite-user
  -o, --organization string   organization name
  -r, --role string           role to invite, one of ORG_ADMIN|USER (default "USER")

co auth invite list

List your invites.

co auth invite list [flags]


  -h, --help   help for list

co auth login

Retrieve an authentication token from the Cohere Platform to make privileged requests.

co auth login [flags]


  -e, --email string      user email
  -h, --help              help for login
  -p, --password string   your password in plaintext, please use the secure prompt

co auth register

Register for blobheart

co auth register [flags]


  -e, --email string         user email
  -h, --help                 help for register
  -i, --invite-hash string   invite hash
  -p, --password string      your password

co auth reset-password

Request for your password to be reset

co auth reset-password [flags]


  -e, --email string   user email
  -h, --help           help for reset-password