Errors (status codes and description)

Http status codes

400 - Bad Request

400 responses are sent when the body of the request is not valid. This can happen when required fields are missing, or when the values provided are not valid.

To resolve this error, consult the API spec to ensure that you are providing the correct fields and values.

Example error responses
invalid request: list of documents must not be empty
invalid request: prompt must be at least 1 token long.
too many tokens: total number of tokens in the prompt cannot exceed 4081 - received 4292. Try using a shorter prompt, or enabling prompt truncating. See for more details.
invalid request: valid input_type must be provided with the provided model
system turn must be the first in the list
invalid request: all elements in history must have a message.
invalid request: message must be at least 1 token long or tool results must be specified.
invalid request: query must not be empty or be only whitespace
invalid request: model ‘command-r’ is not supported by the generate API
invalid request: cannot specify both frequency_penalty and presence_penalty.
invalid request: only one of ‘presence_penalty’ and ‘frequency_penalty’ can be specified for this model.
message must not be empty in a turn
too many tokens: max tokens must be less than or equal to 4096, the maximum output for this model - received 8192.
invalid request: response_format is not supported with RAG.
too many tokens: size limit exceeded by 11326 tokens. Try using shorter or fewer inputs, or setting prompt_truncation=‘AUTO’.
invalid request: number of total max chunks (number of documents * max chunks per doc) must be less than 10000
invalid request: min classes for classify request is 2 - received 0
invalid request: Invalid role in chat_history at index 2. Role must be one of the following: User, Chatbot, System, Tool
invalid request: total number of texts must be at most 96 - received 104
invalid request: temperature must be between 0 and 1.0 inclusive.
invalid request: presence_penalty must be between 0 and 1 inclusive.
invalid request: text must be longer than 250 characters
invalid request: inputs contains an element that is the empty string at index 0
multi step limit reached - set a higher limit
invalid request: return_top_n is invalid, value must be between 1 and 4
invalid request: document at index 0 cannot be empty
embedding_types parameter is required
finetuneID is not a valid UUID: ”
invalid request: tool names can only contain certain characters (A-Za-z0-9_) and can’t begin with a digit (provided name: ‘xyz’).
invalid json syntax: invalid character ‘\a’ in string literal
invalid request: RAG is not supported for this model.
tool call id not found in previous tool calls
invalid request: each unique label must have at least 2 examples. Not enough examples for: awr_report, create_user, tablespace_usage
invalid request: multi step is not supported by the provided model: command.
invalid request: invalid API version was passed in, for more information please refer to
document does not have a ‘snippet’ or a ‘text’ field that can be used for chunking and reranking
finetuned model with name xyz is not ready for serving
invalid request: required ‘text’ param is missing or empty.
invalid request: rank_fields cannot be empty, it must either contain at least one field or be omitted
schema must be an object
a model parameter is required for this endpoint.
cannot have duplicate tool ids
too many tokens: multi-hop prompt is too long even after truncation
connectors failed with continue on failure disabled: connector xyz failed with message ‘failed to get auth token: user is not authenticated for connector xyz’
invalid request: the ‘tool_1’ tool must have at least a description, input, or output.
tool call id must be provided with tool message
invalid request: images must be used with input_type=image
invalid request: format must be one of ‘paragraph’, or ‘bullets’.
invalid request: finetuned model is not compatible with RAG functionality
required field name not found in properties
property title must have a type
tool call must be of type function
invalid request: length must be one of ‘short’, ‘medium’, or ‘long’.
invalid request: duplicate document ID adfasd at index 1 and 0
too many tokens: minimal context could not be added to prompt (size limit exceeded by 280 tokens)
invalid request: raw prompting is not supported with the following parameter(s): connectors, documents, search_queries_only, tools.
invalid request: max_tokens can only be 0 if return_likelihoods is set to ‘ALL’ and prompt is longer than 1 token.

401 - Unauthorized

401 responses are sent when the API key is missing, invalid or has expired. To resolve this error, ensure that you are providing a valid API key.

Example error responses
no api key supplied
invalid api token
Your API key has expired. Please create a production key at or reach out to your contact at Cohere to continue usage.

402 - Payment Required

402 responses are sent when the account has reached its billing limit. To resolve these errors, add or update a payment method.

Example error responses
Please add or update your payment method at to continue
Maximum billing reached for this API key as set in your dashboard, please go to to increase your maximum amount to continue using this API key. Your billing capacity will reset at the beginning of next month.

404 - Not Found

404 responses are sent when the requested resource is not found. This can happen when the model, dataset, or connector ID is incorrect, or when the resource has been deleted.

Example error responses
model ‘xyz’ not found, make sure the correct model ID was used and that you have access to the model.
404 page not found
resource not found: no messages found with conversation id models
failed to find org by org id
connector ‘web-search’ not found.
finetuned model xyz not found
dataset with id texts not found
connector ” not found.
dataset with id my-dataset-id not found
finetuned model xyz not found

429 - Too Many Requests

429 responses are sent when the rate limit has been exceeded. Please consult the rate limit documentation to understand the limits and how to avoid these errors.

Example error responses
You are past the per minute request limit, please wait and try again later.
You are using a Trial key, which is limited to 40 API calls / minute. You can continue to use the Trial key for free or upgrade to a Production key with higher rate limits at ‘’. Contact us on ‘’ or email us at with any questions
Please wait and try again later
trial token rate limit exceeded, limit is 100000 tokens per minute

499 - Request Cancelled

499 responses are sent when a user cancels the request. To resolve these errors, try the request again.

Example error responses
request cancelled
streaming error - scroll down for more streaming errors
failed to get rerank inference: request cancelled
request cancelled by user

500 - Server Error

500 responses are sent when there is an unexpected internal server error. To resolve these errors, please contact support via email or discord with details about your request and use case.

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