Deploying Models in Private Environments

This document walks through how to pull Cohere’s container images using a license, and provides steps for testing both Docker and Kubernetes images.

Before starting, ensure you have a license and image tag provided by Cohere.

Pull Container Images with A License

Cohere provides access to container images through a registry authenticated with a license. Users can pull these images and replicate them in their environment, as needed, to avoid runtime network access from inside the cluster.

Images will come through the registry. Pulling the images will require firewall access open to and More information on these endpoints may be found here.

To test pulling images with a license, modify your docker CLI configuration to include authentication details for the registry. Note: docker login will not work.

The docker CLI is only an example; any tool which can pull images with credentials will work with the license ID configured as both username and password. Skopeo is another popular tool for copying images between registries which will work with this flow.

The following commands will overwrite your existing docker CLI configuration with authentication details for Cohere’s registry. If preferred, you can manually add the authentication details to preserve your existing configuration.

cat <<EOF > ~/.docker/config.json
"auths": {
"": {
"auth": "$(echo -n "${LICENSE_ID}:${LICENSE_ID}" | base64 | tr -d '\n')"

If you prefer to update your docker CLI configuration only for the current terminal session you can export an environment variable instead:

export DOCKER_CONFIG=$(mktemp -d)
cat <<EOF > "${DOCKER_CONFIG}/config.json"
"auths": {
"": {
"auth": "$(echo -n "${LICENSE_ID}:${LICENSE_ID}" | base64 | tr -d '\n')"

Validate that the authenticated image pull works correctly using the docker CLI:

CUSTOMER_TAG=image_tag_from_cohere # provided by Cohere
docker pull $CUSTOMER_TAG

You can now re-tag and replicate this image anywhere you want, using workflows appropriate to your air-gapped environment.

Validate Workload Infrastructure

Once you can pull the image from the registry, run a test workload to validate the container’s functionality.


To test the container image with Docker, you should have a machine with the following installed:

Example Usage

Different models have different inputs.

  • Embed models expect an array of texts and return the embeddings as output.
  • Rerank models expect a list of documents and a query, returning relevance scores for the top n results (the n parameter is configurable).
  • Command models expect a prompt and return the model response.

This section provides simple examples of using each primary Cohere model in a Docker container. Note that if you try these out and get an error like curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 8080: Connection refused, the container has not yet fully started up. Wait a few more seconds and then try again.

Bash Commands for Running Cohere Models Through Docker

Here are the bash commands you can run to use the Embed English, Embed Multilingual, Rerank English, Rerank Multilingual, and Command models through Docker.

1docker run -d --rm --name embed-english --gpus=1 --net=host $IMAGE_TAG
3# wait 5-10 seconds for the container to start
4# can check `curl http://localhost:8080/ping` for readiness
5curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST http://localhost:8080/embed --data-raw '{"texts": ["testing embeddings in english"], "input_type": "classification"}'
9docker stop embed-english

You’ll note that final example includes documents that the Command model can use to ground its replies. This functionality falls under retrieval augmented generation.


Deploying to Kubernetes requires nodes with the following installed:

To deploy the same image on Kubernetes, we must first convert the docker configuration into an image pull secret (see the Kubernetes documentation for more detail).

1kubectl create secret generic cohere-pull-secret \
2 --from-file=.dockerconfigjson="~/.docker/config.json" \

With that done, fill in the environment variables and generate the application manifest:

APP=cohere # or any other name you want to use
IMAGE= <IMAGE_TAG_FROM_COHERE> # replace with the image cohere provided
GPUS=4 # use 4 GPUs for command, 1 is enough for embed / rerank
cat <<EOF > cohere.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
app: ${APP}
name: ${APP}
replicas: 1
app: ${APP}
strategy: {}
app: ${APP}
- name: cohere-pull-secret
- image: ${IMAGE}
name: ${APP}
limits: ${GPUS}
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
app: ${APP}
name: ${APP}
- name: http
port: 8080
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 8080
app: ${APP}
type: ClusterIP
The manifest above does not account for air-gapped environments

Change this to the registry where you replicated the image previously pulled for an air-gapped deployment. Alternatively, to test in an internet-connected environment, create an image pull secret using the license ID as username/password as in the earlier step for the docker CLI for testing. Keep in mind you will need the firewall rules open mentioned in the image pull steps

Use the following to deploy the containers and run inference requests:

kubectl apply -f cohere.yaml

Be aware that this is a multi-gigabyte image, so it may take some time to download.

Once the pod is up and running, you should expect to see something like the following:

# once the pod is running
kubectl port-forward svc/${APP} 8080:8080
# Forwarding from -> 8080
# Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 8080
# Handling connection for 8080

Leave that running in the background, and up a new terminal session to execute a test request. In the next few sections, we’ll include examples of appropriate requests for the major Cohere models.

Example Usage

Here are the bash commands you can run to use the Embed English, Embed Multilingual, Rerank English, Rerank Multilingual, and Command models through Kubernetes.

1curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST http://localhost:8080/embed --data-raw '{"texts": ["testing embeddings in english"], "input_type": "classification"}'
3# {"id":"2ffe4bca-8664-4456-b858-1b3b15411f2c","embeddings":[[-0.5019531,-2.0917969,-1.6220703,-1.2919922,-0.80029297,1.3173828,1.4677734,-1.7763672,0.03869629,1.9033203...}

Remember that this is only an illustrative deployment. Feel free to modify it as needed to accommodate your environment.

A Note on Air-gapped Environments

All images in the registry are available to pull and copy into an air-gapped environment. These can be pulled using the license ID and steps previously provided by Cohere.

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