API Keys

Creating An API Key

Naming your API Key

API Key names cannot have spaces.

Web Platform

  1. Sign into your Cohere account.
  2. Scroll down to the API Keys section of the homepage.
  3. Click Create an API Key.
  4. Create a unique name for your API key, then click Create an API Key again to create your API key.
  5. Copy your API key.


Use the command co key create [key_name].

You must be signed in to use this command.

Retrieving an API Key

Web Platform

  1. Sign into your Cohere account.
  2. Scroll down to the API Keys section of the homepage.
  3. View the list of API keys attached to your account or organization.

You can not retrieve API Keys on the web platform- make sure you copy and backup your keys when prompted. You will always be able to see the names of the keys you’ve created, however.


Use the command co key list.

Deleting an API Key

Web Platform

  1. Sign into your Cohere account.
  2. Scroll down to the API Keys section of the homepage.
  3. Click Revoke Key.


Use the command co key revoke [key_name].

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